Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy birthday to me!

"The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left."

Folks, I think I've made it into that category. Gasp!! With that said, I had a darn good time on my birthday. My good friend and neighbor Deanna and I shopped for most of the day after enjoying a great lunch. Oh, can we girls shop! The Harold's Outlet here is the best, though DSW Shoes (super discounts on great shoe brands like Coach, Cole Haan, Vanelli, and my favorite Circa Joan & David) is my personal fave. Shoe stores make me happy!

Twelve of my good friends all celebrated with me at Doña Emilia's in downtown Austin to eat, drink, and be merry. Let's just say that my first mojito made me go "wheeee!!!" Post dinner (here comes the "knob to the left part") we went back to the house to play games instead of hitting the bars downtown. But in our defense there were booze available back home. So the rest of the evening was spent with Guitar Hero tournaments (some competitors... ahem, Tina.... were more competitive than others), Taboo, and LOTS of talking.

So how did I make out you ask? Well, I got a fabulous ESQ Swiss watch from Rafi, The Notebook on CD from Tina and Greg, fun balloons from Garrett, Cara, and Ed, and Deanna gave me Sephora Eye Dews. It was a great day! So far, 28 feels pretty okay.

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Anonymous Kassie said...

Gawd. I move to Germany and forget EVERYTHING! Happy Belated Birthday, Jodi-Girl! I miss you!

1:20 AM  

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