Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Morning Sickness

I thought I'd address the issue of morning sickness, since many of you seem to be asking.

No, I haven't actually thrown up yet, though I've been known to gag and heave after brushing my teeth. I haven't ever felt sick in the morning, rather have felt waves of nausea the majority of evenings - thus leading to food aversions. For a long while I liked potatoes, cereal, and cheese along with ice. Sugary sweet foods don't interest me much either, which is surprising to those who know me well. So in general I eat a small breakfast, a larger lunch, snack in early afternoon between classes, and then I eat a small dinner or none at all. I think in general this is getting better, though yesterday evening I had a huge setback.

Additionally, my thyroid disease (hypothyroidism) has forced me to work with an endocrinologist. Because of an increase in meds, I've been having heart palpitations. I am now working on decreasing my meds again so I don't constantly feel like I'm having a heart attack. Yikes!!

Okay, that's it. Just thought address the many questions I've had on how my health is. :)



Blogger D. Prince said...

Horray for no morning sickness!
You lucky girl. I didn't have any with my first but lots with my second.

9:33 PM  

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