Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, I'm still at 1cm dilated. So no change there. In addition I've got some super harsh illness (feels like bronchitis), but my doctor gave me some antibiotics, so hopefully that will clear soon. She also gave us an induction date - March 5, 2007. The date is kind of cool, we think: 03-05-07. We hope he'll decide to come on his own before then... but not until after we're both feeling better (Rafi seems to be coming down with it, too). It was funny at the doctor's office that while she had a hard time finding the heartbeat with the doppler my entire belly was jumping around and bulging in all directions. She said there's definitely no need to worry about such an active baby! :)

Lately we're just trying to get last minute things in order -
nothing too strenuous. I'm trying to learn to relax - something at which I'm not very good. It seems like every time I feel even the slightest bit better I get up and do laundry, work on stuff for school, or clean, etc. I'm going to attempt to do close to nothing tomorrow in hopes of a faster recovery. Anyhow, we put some finishing touches on the nursery this weekend. Rafi painted and installed these shelves and letters and then got crazy with his artistic photography!



Anonymous Mikell said...

I hope you and Rafi feel better soon!!! I Love Mateo's two are going to make great parents!!!!

Take Care of you!

9:16 AM  

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