Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Mark's Visit

We were so happy Mark got to visit this last weekend. I think Mat enjoyed meeting his TÍo Mark, as you can see by this picture. My parents were able to spend the weekend in Austin, as well, so that equals rest for me! During my waking hours, though, Mom and I were able to do some mall shopping. Mark and Rafi spent some good time at the Guitar Center sale; Rafi came back with a guitar. He's having fun playing the guitar again (he used to play) and learning new songs. Dad recently returned from a trip to Alaska, so he had lots of very cold photos to share.
Just for kicks, here are a couple other cute photos of Mat. He's working hard on holding that head up. He's definitely gaining some poundage, but we won't know exactly what he weighs until his next doctor appointment on the 23rd. Incidentally, the 23rd of April is also when I return to work and Rafi starts his stint as a stay at home dad. His parents will be coming for a visit around then, so the end of April will be very busy. Mat has also began cooing just a little bit, which is really cute; but the sweetest thing to me is when he laughs the most perfect of laughs in his sleep. :)

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