Monday, August 20, 2007

Coupon Crazies!!!

Am I just crazy or does it seem like quite the majority of coupons are for junk food? We are trying to eat healthier (as I've got some serious baby weight to lose), and I'm trying to save money at the same time by using coupons. (Let's be honest - I just get a kick from being able to brag about my good deals!)
I have decided that coupons were created to hook children onto very unhealthy products; it seems quite the majority are for little kids' sugary lunchbox snacks. Yes, I know there are some good ones, but not that many. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow (or Wednesday - not sure yet), so I'm trying to plan our menus for the next two weeks with coupons to help out. I've spent I don't know how many hours today just looking for decent coupons!
And by the way, I can't believe people SELL coupons on Ebay?!! What in the H-E-double hockey sticks is THAT about?
I'm such a coupon newbie that everything is shocking to me! haha...



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