Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mat visits and revisits the doctor.

Two days after Mat's second birthday, he had his annual doctor appointment. He is now weighing in at 24.8 pounds (12%ile), 33 inches tall (12%ile), and has a larger head that is in the 24th percentile. That's just more proof to me that he's a smarty. ;-) He was all caught up on his vaccines, so no shots for him! All was well...

... until Wednesday night, that is. As previously mentioned, we visited the Austin Children's Museum on Saturday. Despite lots of hand washings, he still got sick. We saw his doctor again first thing Thursday morning, and she confirmed what I thought - he has croup. Since he had also had some strider (which is like a cough heard upon inhaling), she prescribed some steroids along with recommending Motrin since Tylenol never brought down his 102+ fever.

And now it is Thursday evening. His morning was rough, but his afternoon was nice. We enjoyed watering the garden together, learning to dribble a ball (basketball style, as he's got soccer style down), and attempting to watch his first movie - Wall-E. We only made it about a quarter of the way through before he was done (wanted to go play instead) - just long enough for me to get into it! Bathtime and bedtime were great, so we'll see how the night goes. I took a nap in anticipation of a rough night, as the doctor warned me he'll get worse before he gets better. Poor wittle guy!



Blogger EBonky said...

Glad to hear there will be another member of the big head club. ;)

Let me know if he needs to borrow my snowboarding helmet.

6:59 AM  

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