Thursday, May 14, 2009

Garden and Recycle Update

So it seems that I do not have a green thumb for broccoli. After nurturing four broccoli plants, only two of them produced anything before flowering, and even those would've offered *maybe* two bites each. Pretty sad. So out they went. And in came green beans. Gotta love green beans. My zucchinis are looking really great. Tomato plants are ultra happy. I have to keep a watchful eye on Mateo who likes to pull the green ones off and declare them "apples." We recently lost our first bell pepper to little fingers, too.

And in other news, our "recycling center" is now set up in the garage.
Here I can recycle glass, plastics #3-7, cardboard, and paper. We'll be taking our bins about once or twice a month to Ecology Action of Texas. In the kitchen I have a recycle bin for aluminum and plastics #1 and 2. These are picked up each week along with our regular trash. Once again I'm still waiting on the rain barrel and composter. Our neighborhood does have a weekly "organic matter" recycling pickup, so I've been meaning to see if that includes composting kitchen scraps or not. I'd still rather have homemade compost for our yard and garden versus buying it each year.
Soon, hopefully.

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Blogger Julia said...

good for you!!!!!

7:58 PM  

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