Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Frequent houseguest.

Hello, headache.

Nice for you to visit again. I love it when you wake me up during the night every hour on the hour. I love how my brow lines get deeper and deeper with each of your visits. Oh! And how fabulous you make me look walking around with my fingers pinching my nose, pushing on my cheekbones and temples! The clenching of my jaws add to the effect. Sometimes a pair of sunglasses are thrown in. That's when I feel your aura the most.

In summary, I wanted to say how much I missed you, as it's only been two days since you visited last. You must really miss me a lot to visit that often. Forgive me for not having made the guest room for you (but then again you've already invited yourself into MY bed).

Love, your host Jodi



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