Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 1 - The trip.

As is usual for us, Rafi and I stayed up very late the night before we left to finish packing. Six o'clock came early that morning. We said long, sad goodbyes to our fur babies (they have a pet sitter who comes twice a day), and off we went in the rain to the airport.

Somehow we managed to get a kid in a stroller, one car seat, two carry-ons, and four suitcases unloaded and checked in. The first flight from Austin to Dallas was a breeze. Mateo really enjoyed his donut.The second flight from Dallas to Miami was pretty good, too. He entertained himself by singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star for most of our neighbors. They laughed, so I'm guessing it didn't annoy them too much. He also read the plane's emergency manual and played with his lacing cards.Between the second flight and the third we began to see signs of exhaustion. He'd been up eight hours with no nap. He was acting a little wacky, running around the airport. Several hours later we landed in Panama. And to our frustration, there we stayed. On the plane. For another 45 minutes. With Mateo wearing a full diaper. And Mommy carrying a full bladder. And we sat. Not moving. Forever. Or so it felt.

But we did, obviously, make it off. Mateo tried to escape from the bathroom while I was, ahem, pottying, which nearly gave me a heart attack. I was thinking to myself, "so this is how it happens. Mom goes potty, kid gets lost." And obviously that turned out okay, too, or I wouldn't be sitting here writing this.

After meeting all of Rafi's family (the kids LOVED Mateo, their new play thing), we made it to the house where some refreshing champagne (Diet Coke for Rafi) and cheese, meats, and crackers awaited our arrival. Bedtime was welcomed. Poor Mateo handled the day relatively well given that he'd been awake for about 17 hours without a nap. I can say the same for Rafi and me, too!



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