Monday, January 04, 2010

Day 18 - Coming home.

Ahh, yes. We're coming home today. Our bags are packed. We're showered and dressed. We have tickets in hand. Time to go!


This morning we experienced the PITA that the new security rules were at the airport. The line was very long, and because Mateo was busying himself running around all over, we have deep gratitude for Rafi's parents staying with us to help out. Once we got our tickets (and paid and extra $110 - $60 in taxes and $50 for a bag that was 13 pounds overweight - yikes), we said our goodbyes (once again, we really thank Rafi's parents for all their hospitality!), and went through security. This part was the easy part - shoes off, stroller folded, etc. Same old drill.

Then we got to our gate. Holy moly. They weren't calling by groups. Everyone was crowded in this mess of a line waiting to board the plane. What was the hold up? Another security check. I waited in line while Rafi ran to get us some water and breakfast. More on this in a second.

And while we wait for Rafi to return, I'll entertain you with the story of the people in line with me. Behind me was a jovial man holding a Hello Kitty bag for his daughter. He asked if this was the line for the "regular people." I replied, "you mean shmucks? Yes, this is our line." In front of me was a large (LARGE) family of four. The father was Panamanian who had his first visit in 16 years. The mother was from the states, and they had two young boys. To hear them talk you would've thought they'd visited the pits of hell. "Too hot. No central air. Bad traffic. Crappy cabbies. etc.) I had to jump in and let her know that this year was actually milder than previous years. I asked what they did like, and they said "the beach." I did agree with them on the cabbies and traffic but hoped they would focus on the good things - friendly people, beautiful beach and mountain views, delicious restaurants, rich cultures and traditions.

And with that Rafi came back. With two bottles of water and chips. Because that's all he could find for breakfast in the shops that were open. One minute later those bottles of water (sans a few sips) were in the recycle bin. Because now you can't take any liquids at all on board - even if they are freshly purchased unopened $2 each bottles of water. Yet they allowed me to take two juice boxes and a sippy cup with water from home. Hmm...

The first leg of our trip home was relatively okay. They had lunch on the plane (hurray!), and Mateo was easily entertained with iPhone games and Finding Nemo and Thomas the Train on the laptop. And then the battery for the laptop ran out. Phooey. Thank goodness we had snacks that entertained him. By the way, it's really disheartening to think you've got 30 minutes left on a flight only to find out you have an hour and twenty left.

Once in Dallas (again, hurray!) we had hoped we could get an earlier flight home, but there was no way we could make it. As it turned out, our flight to Austin was perfectly timed, as we had just enough time to go through immigration, customs, security again, and to eat a quick lunch. Mateo, by this time, was starting to melt down. He was being very impatient, so we bought him a sucker to eat once buckled in his seat on the plane.

Now on the plane I prayed for God to get me through this flight. Mateo was screaming for cookies ("koooooo-kies"), and my patience was wearing thin. No book, snack, sucker, or toy would distract him for more than 15 seconds. And then the plane started to move. I turned to say something to Rafi, and when I turned back...

My prayers were answered! The flight was very enjoyable, as he slept until after we landed and most people had left the plane.

The weather was cold, but I welcomed it. It was nice having both beach weather and winter weather in the same few weeks. We packed up the car, and home we went! Pixel, Marley, and Pudge were all very excited to see us. The dogs haven't left our sides. Rafi brought home some Zorba's (Greek food) for dinner, and after Mateo went to bed (he got quiet reaaaaally quickly), we watched a movie - The Proposal. Sandra Bullock flicks aren't usually my first pick, but we thought it was really cute! It definitely had some funny moments.

The fresh sheets we put our bed were oh so nice. And our bed partners (all the animals) couldn't get close enough to us. Heaven. We definitely felt welcomed home.



Blogger A said...

i loved reading your vacation adventures!! watching Mateo grow up is amazing. I need to pop by and see him very soon! ~anabell

7:11 PM  

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