Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pancakes make everything better.

Mateo has the flu. I have the flu. We're praying Rafi doesn't get it. Mateo also has double ear infections. That said, he's still playing with his trains and is relatively happy. I, on the other hand, haven't been. I'm still functional, but this thing has been dragging me down. I'm sure not being able to call in sick to my job of motherhood might have something to do with it. I think, though, that the worst is behind us. Mateo is on antibiotics for his ears, and I've been trying to rest in between meal making, cleaning, changing diapers, etc.

Due to our illnesses we missed the Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast at Mateo's school. I had planned to volunteer to cook, but I assumed most people would prefer not to have a sicky hacking over their breakfast. Instead, I made pancakes for dinner - with sprinkles, which made Mateo very happy. Here he is "helping" me make them:

I can't believe my baby turns 3 years old in five days. Ack!

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