Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another casting

Well, FINALLY we got insurance approval to go ahead with Mateo's new band, so today he had another casting. He was a little more vocal this time, but he did really well! He's always quite the trooper. So in less than 2 weeks he'll be sporting a new DOC band. I forgot to post photos of how I decorated the last band with Diego, but here's a photo of where his old band sits now in his room. It fits Chicken Little perfectly!

My mom was in town this weekend. And while we didn't do our usual SuperTarget shopping marathons, we still had a really nice time. We did some stamping, embossing, and card making at our friend Mary's house while Rafi cared for the baby. This was a much needed vacation for me, and I quite enjoyed it!

Mat also hosted a playgroup at our house last week. Four babies (three around his age and one two month old) were able to come. Truth be told I think the mommies enjoy this more than the kiddos! Mat was observant and reserved while they there but became animated and playful when they left. Go figure.

Oh - almost forgot, but there is a killer stomach virus going around, and Mateo and I each got it last week. He woke up vomiting (which was horrible to watch as a mother), but after a few days of TLC he felt better. Then right around that time the virus found me. It wasn't a pretty site. Rafi did a superb job taking care of the baby and me during my sick days. Luckily Rafi never got it, and thankfully everyone is feeling tip top now. :)

In non-baby news, we are still working on lots of projects around the house. We had the huge florescent lights removed in the kitchen and had canned lighting with dimmers installed all through our downstairs. It looks really nice. Now if only Rafi and I could agree at what level to turn them on! We also are in the process of completely gutting our front flowerbeds and landscaping them to our liking. This is proving to be a HUGE task as the leftover stumps are quite difficult to remove. I can't wait to see what the finished product will be.

In less than two weeks Rafi's brother and his wife will be visiting. We're very excited to see them!

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Anonymous Jennifer Saucedo said...

Thanks so much for the card and the pic you sent me!! I hope Mateo likes his bubble blower and puzzle. I just had to get you one because my Sofia is obsessed with bubbles and I start getting light headed after 10 minutes of blowing. I know it's a little early for the puzzle, but I just love old fashioned toys and Sofia really enjoys hers. I base all my shopping for other kiddos off of what Sofia likes! I am excited to hear about Rafi's new news as well- felicidades!

10:27 AM  

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