Thursday, May 01, 2008

Mateo Update

Mat is now just over 14 months, so I thought I'd do a little update on him.

Mobility: Mat is SUPER mobile. He's trying to run even, but sometimes his upper body moves faster than his feet can, which spells disaster. He likes to climb on things, too. He enjoys "funny walking," like walking backwards, walking on one heel and one toe, etc.

Speech: We have been teaching him sign language, so he signs a lot more than he speaks. He can sign for "food, milk, more, all done, help, and please." He says thank you ("de-da") and mama. He also says "bee-bee" a lot, but it seems to be for many things, so I haven't pinned that one down yet.

Personality: He is a funny dude! He plays jokes on us by pretending to feed us and instead feeding himself at the last second. He thinks silly faces and sounds are funny. Mostly it's fun to watch him laugh at his own self when he thinks no one is watching. He is typically very happy, though his mood can turn in a second. The signing has helped tremendously in him being able to communicate his needs to us, thus bypassing some serious breakdowns. He does not usually like you to show him how to do something; he's very much so an "I can do it myself" kind of guy.

Likes: His stuffed Easter bunny (aptly named "Bunny"), milk, watermelon, ham, broccoli, playing in water, and watching big kids play. He also likes the "Isty Bitsy Spider" song and dan

Dislikes: Holding hands when walking, macaroni and cheese (strange, I know), having his diaper changed.

All in all he's a healthy, full of energy kiddo! And just for fun, here are some recent photos of him playing in the sprinkler.



Anonymous Jeff B. said...

Seems like a level kid, you're doing great! Sign language is wonderful, how smart. But if you try to teach him to be ambidextrous too he may start throwing crayons.

4:23 PM  

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