Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My 30th Birthday

Dun-dun-da-dun!! I am officially 30 years of age! I had two wonderful days of celebration. The first one (my real birthday, January 15) started off perfectly. I received breakfast in bed (fruit salad, turkey bacon, and powdered donuts!) with a dozen beautiful red, pink, and yellow roses - with balloon! That evening we had dinner at European Bistro in Pflugerville (pronounced "flu-ger-vill" for those not of this area). It's Hungarian food, and it was de-lish! I chose the most traditional dish - Hungarian Gulyas and a cucumber salad. For dessert I had a few bites of a strawberries and cream crepe and a German chocolate cake. Can't go wrong with either of those! The best part of the night was having my close friends there (Tina, Greg, Mary, Dick) and of course my husband and son. I also would like to thank Mary and Dick for the dinner and Christmas gifts, and Tina, Greg, and Rafi for the BEST gift - a day at the spa! And not just any spa, mind you - we're talking about Lake Austin Spa! It's the #2 destination spa in the country. How sweet is that?! But more on that later. Oh, and I also received a bunch of balloons... which are currently peering over my shoulder as I write this. Thanks to Tina and Greg for those! Marley (cocker spaniel) loves 'em! haha

So on Saturday I celebrated my birthday again. Tina and I both got to spend the day at the spa. We enjoyed pedicures, hot tubs, steam room (for only a few minutes), sauna, massages, healthy food, and just nice relaxation in general. (I hesitate to mention that we dared take delicious tea packets and crackers home with us, but for posterity's sake I feel I must. hehe...) That evening I was treated to a nice surprise. Rafi had arranged for Dick and Mary (Greg's parents) to come babysit while we went out. So nice! We had dinner at Habana (my fave Cuban place) downtown and then braved the icy cold weather (29 degrees, I think) walking one lap around 6th street. I couldn't help but both feel sorry for and laugh at all the silly young ladies with sleeveless shirts, miniskirts, and no coats walking around shivering. Sheesh!

Anyhow, sadly we forgot to take photos until over half of my people left, but here's what we did take. Thanks again to everyone for coming and for the lovely gifts. Thanks to Dick and Mary for babysitting, and thanks most of all to Rafi for orchestrating a fabulous 30th birthday!

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