Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Weekend

In an effort to fight off my sugar-induced coma, I figured I'd update about Halloween weekend. Rafi and I reigned ourselves in this year. We usually spend too much money and time to have the perfect Halloween house, but we decided to take the less stressful route and go easy this time. Plus Mat is still too little to fully appreciate the gory ghoulishness that is Halloween.

I opted to make Mat's costume myself this year. There are some things I would do differently (ahem, just go ahead and sew the darn thing instead of trying to do iron-on adhesive and then having to sew on top of that anyway), but I think it turned out well. I admit to being a little proud at having one of the few homemade costumes at all of his events. Strangely Halloween was hot this year; it's usually cold. So wearing the costume for our toddler Halloween party the next morning was out of the question.

Mat had quite the busy schedule. On Halloween, he attended the Round Rock Fall Festival in the morning (during which he preferred to run around in the soccer fields), a small Halloween party at Rafi's workplace, and then went trick-or-treating that night. Boy was that interesting! The first house we hit (our good friend Deanna's across the street), he started crying and ran back down the driveway. Every stranger's house after that (including the really scary house with skeletons, sound effects, and lightening)? He marched right up and knocked on the door. Guess he'll turn out to be a good trick-or-treater after all!

We only hit a few houses, but he filled up half of his Elmo bucket (which was a gift from Mima - my mom).
We love how our little skeleton had to have his Elmo bucket by his side. We knew the evening was over when he plopped in the center of the sidewalk to just check out his loot. We never let him have any candy, but he did end up eating a couple of cookies and a non-frosted cupcake at the Halloween party on Saturday - which may have been a mistake considering he was jonesing for more after his nap!

And just for fun, I'll include this montage of Mat playing with his Halloween glasses.



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