Thursday, March 12, 2009

Goings on...

For the past three or so weeks Mateo has been sick. His fevers were over 104, and neither Tylenol nor Motrin would keep them at bay for too long. He had ear infections that just wouldn't go away. Thankfully these were his first ear infections ever at 2 years old. The first round of antibiotics didn't work, but this round seems to be doing the trick. Rafi is allergic to penicillin, so I'm wondering if that's why the first round of amoxicillin didn't work. This round he's taking something that is penicillin free.

So now that his innards are feeling better, his "outards" are getting all bruised! He has a deep bruise on his cheekbone from falling on the kitchen floor while playing with a laundry basket, and he has a lump on his forehead from bending over to pick something up and smacking his head on a wooden Adirondack rocker outside.

And just for funsies, here's a photo of Mat's "school" artwork from February and a photo of the artist himself.

In garden news, the rabbits have been kept at bay, but now I'm dealing with rotten birds!! They've been eating my precious strawberries. My next step will be building a life-sized scarecrow- all for a 4x8 garden, hehe. For now, though, I have positioned a pinwheel at a slant so it hovers directly over the strawberries. So far I'm feeding the wildlife more than ourselves.

Oh, but wait! I should mention that we had our first salad from the garden. Okay, so the tomatoes and carrots came from the fridge, but the lettuce and mizuna came from the garden. That's about as fresh and organic as it gets, folks.

Let's see... what else... well, nothing much going on lately I suppose. This Sunday I'll be participating in my first duathlon - running and biking followed by more running. Hope the weather clears up for that!



Blogger Julia said...

Your mateo is sooo cute and ofcourse I remember you...I'll keep checking in on you. Thank you for the sweet words about Alexa. :)

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Odilie said...

Jodi, Mateo is so big...wao. And so cute too. I saw the ice cream video so many times...I just loved the scream and his face of joy.
Hugs for you and kissess for all.

10:31 AM  

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