Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 3 - Friends, Cats, and Darkness.

This morning one of Rafi's childhood friends stopped by. Rafi missed it because he was out participating in his biennial golf game with his brother.

This is Jose.

These are Jose's daughters.

Mateo was a little shy around them at first. In fact, he was giving sweet Sofia the stink-eye in case she had any ideas about sitting in his precious blue chair.

He got over it, and they happily played with trains together.


Around 5:00 that evening, Rafi, his brother Luis and his wife Monica, and I set out to see Cats. It was pretty neat, though I have to be honest and acknowledge that it felt somewhat old in music style. Hello, synthesizers! And to be even more candid, I wasn't so much feeling the plot, or lack thereof. I kept waiting for something big and momentous to happen, but it never did. That said, the dancing and singing was great. The costumes were good, too. I kept thinking about what awesome Halloween costumes they'd make.

After Cats we went to what I can best describe as a Spanish pub. We enjoyed some tapas (Manchego cheese, bread, Serrano ham, tortilla espanola, and paella) and drinks (cranberry juice with vodka for me, Diet Coke for Rafi). Delish!

And then we came home to... (dun dun duuuunnnnn)

Darkness! The electricity was off. Rafi's parents generously were watching all four grandkids, and their task was not made easier by electricity problems. A few sweaty hours later (remember, we need air conditioning here) everything was good to go.

Thanks, Tita and Luis for watching the kids, and thanks to Luis and Monica for enjoying a night out with us!



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